Continuing Education

Tips for Successful Delegation of Connection Design [N30]

Connection cost is a significant percentage of the total cost of a steel-framed structure. This one-hour presentation will review how designers can most efficiently delegate connection design in a manner that will save time, reduce the number of RFIs and reduce the cost of the structural steel framing. There is more involved in delegating connection design than delegating connection design. Decisions related to framing configuration and the manner by which connection design requirements are conveyed can substantially affect the connection cost. Tips, guidelines and examples will be presented to provide designers of all levels of experience a better grasp on how to efficiently provide clients with safe and cost-effective structural steel framed building structures when delegating connection design.
  • Date: 3/26/2014 - 3/28/2014
  • PDH Credits: 0


Clifford Schwinger

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