Engineering Journal

A Rational Approach to Design of Tee Shear Connections

A Rational Approach to Design of Tee Shear Connections

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A Rational Approach to Design of Tee Shear Connections

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Thornton, William A. (1996). "A Rational Approach to Design of Tee Shear Connections," Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel Construction, Vol. 33, pp. 34-37.

A tee shear connection is similar to a shear tab in that there is a perceived lack of ductility in the connection which could cause premature fracture in the shop weld or shop bolts, i.e., fracture before the connection is able to absorb the self-limited beam end rotation in a ductile manner. This problem is resolved with a shear tab by two ductility requirements

  • Published: 1996, Quarter 1


William A. Thornton