View the 2022 QualityCon Sessions for Free
This year, QualityCon 2022 returned in-person at NASCC: The Steel Conference! We had over 3,000 attendees attend or Livestream a QualityCon session. They received the latest insights on quality management principles and specific ways to boost the bottom line by improving quality processes.
You can now watch all the sessions from the comfort of your office or home. Plus, they are free. Happy watching!
Links to the recorded sessions can be found below.
If you're looking for more quality-related sessions, visit our QualityCon page for even more sessions back to 2015!
Q1: Certification Forum
This is QualityCon's third year, but it's our first live, in-person event. Join us to kick things off with a discussion of new developments in AISC Certification, updates to our governing requirements, and an update on auditing. As always, attendees will have the opportunity to get answers to their certification- and audit-related questions.
Q2: So! You're thinking about working for a DOT and grabbing a piece of that Infrastructure Bill!
The Infrastructure Investment and Job Act may present new opportunities for your business, so your firm may be considering entering a new sector to diversify. Working with a DOT (state department of transportation, tollway agency), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, or other transportation sector government agencies means handling more critical requirements. These could include detailed submittals, materials control, a new relationship with the owner, ever-present quality assurance oversight, specifications, qualifications, and special provisions.
To ensure success for these critical requirements and their associated expectations, join us to decode the often-overlooked details of communication and contract review. These two details will help smooth your transition into a new construction field, preserve profits, and make a good impression from day one.
Q3: The New WPS Qualification Options in D1.5
The 2015 edition of AASHTO/AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding Code contained revisions that significantly changed how Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) are qualified. These changes regarding WPS based on Heat Input qualification methods, Production Procedure Qualification method, and how WPS qualifications for single-pass fillet welds have been simplified, will be presented.
Attendees will leave the session with a better understanding of the reasoning and technical justifications for these changes.
Q4: Technology: It's Going to Make You Better, Trust Us!
What is the latest on technology and fabrication and erection? What's current? What's the next big thing? Hear about it from industry leaders on the cutting edge. They'll share how their current practices and new ideas can affect your quality and bottom line.
Q5: What's New with the AWS D1.1?
Has the new AWS D1.1 code book sparked some questions? Will the updates change the way you install and complete your work? How are they going to affect your day-to-day operations? Join us for the answers to these questions and more.
Q6: What You Need to Know about AISC 360 Chapters N and J, the Specification, and the Provisions
There's a lot of information packed into the Quality Control/Quality Assurance chapters in AISC's Specification for Structural Steel Buildings and Seismic Provisions for Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Structural Steel Buildings. Join us for a guided tour designed to help you better understand the requirements outlined in each document and how to apply them in your facility.
Q7: Let's Talk Tolerances: Improving Coordination To Avoid Constructability, Quality, And Cost Issues
Design and construction are team sports, but are you all working within the same parameters? Tolerances can vary drastically between the steel team and other trades working on a given project. Calling a time-out at the beginning of a project to identify and resolve varying tolerance conflicts can be the key to avoiding re-work, additional costs, and schedule delays. We'll talk about how the clear tolerances laid out in the AISC Code of Standard Practice provide a unique opportunity for fabricators and erectors to lead these discussions and get a project into the end zone on time and within budget.
Q8: Get the Edge Bidding Today's Steel Erection Projects
Do you need to up your bidding game? Over the last two decades, the definition of a complete and responsive bid has expanded to include thousands of documents and coordination with other trades. We'll tell you what you need to know to get a leg up on the competition.
Q9: Structural Steel Inspection: What, Where, When, How Many – and above All, Why
When it comes to inspecting a project, there are a lot of variables. The hundreds or thousands of welted and bolted connections can vary by type, location, load conditions ... even the skill level of the ironworker who did the work and the degree of quality control involved can make a difference.
An effective inspection requires a good strategy to wade through everything. Join us to talk about assessing and managing inspection tasks. We'll define the duties of inspection personnel and discuss how best to allocate their time.
Q10: Contractor QC training and task management tips and traps
Is your QC documentation lackluster or cluttered--or even nonexistant? Don't worry! Join us for expert insights from the people who've been there. They'll share tips to help you train your personnel on what really matters before they start filling out paperwork and help you avoid common mistakes, like assuming that more is better when it comes to documentation. We'll discuss how to motivate workers to buy into the QC process, streamline documentation, and assure that the process works as intended by following up.
Q11: Intro to complex coatings
Do you fully understand the risks associated with preparing for and applying complex coatings? No worries--we have you covered. Join us to learn the essentials of the AISC 420-10 Certification Standard for Shop Application of Complex Protective Coating Systems, including contract specifications and manufacturer requirements. We'll also highlight recommended and required periodic training and certifications that can keep your complex coating operation rolling along smoothly.
Q12: A closer look at inspection requirements for complex coatings
Are your inspectors up to speed on the latest methods (visual and instrumental) and requirements to inspect the work of a complex coating contractor? Join us for a review of the qualification and training requirements outlined in AISC 420-10 Certification Standard for Shop Application of Complex Protective Coating Systems. We'll focus on the ASTM D3276 Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors as we discuss the duties of the inspector and how s/he can determine whether a contractor has met the specification requirements.
Q13: Caused, Not Controlled
High-quality results don't just happen—they take a lot of deliberate work that goes beyond controlling problems. Come learn how our actions and decisions drive positive effects on product quality.
Q14: Three Fabricators Walk into a Bar...
...but when you have these three knowledgeable and respected steel fabricators sharing their collective wisdom, it's no joking matter. Join us for some top-shelf lessons learned and a generous pour of expertise, with answers to your steel fabrication questions as a chaser.
Q15: How to Become AISC Certified?
The American Institute of Steel Construction Quality Management Systems Certification sets the quality standard and is the most recognized program for structural steel fabrication and erection. Attendees will learn about the hurdles to obtain and maintain certification, plus recent program changes which affect everyone planning to apply.
Q16: The Holy Grail: Clear, Simple, and Effective Quality Procedures
It's hard enough to write an effective procedure, but making them clear and simple can seem impossible. We'll give you a shortcut with an easy, three-step writing process that can take your procedures to the next level and help you create a more understandable quality manual that employees can follow more easily.
Q17: Construction Documents: The Wheres and Whats
The phase construction documents cover all kinds of things: design drawings, shop drawings, project specifications, and others, but no single document contains all the information needed to do inspections. We'll review these different document types to help you find the specific information needed to conduct effective inspections.
Q18: GCs and Quality: A Panel Discussion
You work with GCs almost every day, but have you ever asked them about quality? This panel of three general contractors will share their thoughts on quality management systems and how that concept affects every part of the jobsite.
Q19: How to – and Why You Should – Quantify Quality
Quantity and quality: Can you approach something from both angles, or is it a linguistic either/or? We'll show you how to make quality + stats = increased productivity by sharing some simple ideas and new concepts to implement into a QMS to start seeing results immediately.
Q21: Do You Have Bolting Questions? AISC's Steel Solutions Center Has the Answers
The AISC Steel Solutions Center (SSC) is for anyone who needs technical assistance, innovative solutions, or tools to make structural steel design even easier. Join the SSC as we highlight some of the most commonly asked questions about bolting. And of course, we'll share the answers with you, because it's what we do. We'll also have some live bolting demonstrations. You certainly won't want to miss it.
Q22: Common Audit Findings for the Erector
In this session there will be discussions about some of the common findings discovered during AISC certification audits. This will include areas of concern, audit nonconformances and corrective action requests. We will also discuss the ways to avoid having these common findings.
Q23: Planning Made Easy for Erectors
This session will review the Standard for Certification Programs (AISC 207-20) criteria for erection plans, which is covered in Section 5.20:Erection Plan. Plus, practical examples and options for meeting those criteria will be discussed, along with the associated OSHA requirements.