Bridge Summary for the NSBA Fabricator Search
You may have heard of AISC Quality Management Systems (QMS) Certification, but you may not know exactly what's involved. Below is scope information for each category of bridge fabrication along with optional endorsements for Fracture Control and Complex Coatings. You'll also find additional information and resources, and if you have specific questions, please contact us directly at certification@aisc.org or 312-670-7520.
Bridge Certifications and Endorsements
Bridge QMS Certification (SBR, IBR, ABR)
This program's governing document is the Governing Requirements for Certification Programs, which references the Standard for Certification Programs (AISC 207-20). The program requirements define categories of Certified Bridge Fabricator: Simple (SBR), Intermediate (IBR), and Advanced (ABR). Certificates will temporarily continue to include either the “Intermediate/Major” or “Advanced/Major” designations to allow transportation departments additional time to update their standard specifications. Please note, AISC Certification is address-specific, so each facility is certified separately.
Categories as defined by the Bridge Requirements & Standard:
- Certified Bridge Fabricator - Simple (SBR) consists of unspliced rolled sections
- Certified Bridge Fabricator - Intermediate (IBR) are typical bridges that do not require extraordinary measures. Typical examples might include: (1) a rolled beam bridge with field or shop splices, either straight or with a radius over 500 ft; (2) a built-up I-shaped plate girder bridge with constant web depth (except for dapped ends), with or without splices, either straight or with a radius over 500 ft; (3) a built-up I-shaped plate girder with variable web depth (e.g., haunched), either straight or with a radius over 1000 ft; (4) a truss with a length of 200 ft or less that is entirely or substantially pre-assembled at the certified
- Certified Bridge Fabricator - Advanced (ABR) are those requiring an additional standard of care in fabrication and erection, particularly with regard to geometric tolerances. Examples include tub or trapezoidal box girders, closed box girders, large or non-preassembled trusses, arches, bascule bridges, cable-support bridges, moveable bridges, and bridge with particularly tight curve radius.
Bridge Component QMS Certification (CPT)
This program's governing document is the Governing Requirements for Certification Programs, which references the Standard for Certification Programs (AISC 207-20). These documents describe certification requirements for facilities that manufacture and supply specific components, composed primarily of metal to bridge and highway construction projects. Certification is appropriate for manufacturers of components that include bracing not designed for primary loads (diaphragms, cross frames and lateral bracing); camera, light, sign and signal support structures; bridge rail; stairs; walkways; grid decks; drains; scuppers; expansion joints; bearings; ballast plates; and mechanical movable bridge equipment. Please note, AISC Certification is address-specific, so each facility is certified separately.
Fracture Critical Endorsement (FC)
This OPTIONAL endorsement is focused on the requirements of AWS D1.5, Clause 12, AASHTO/AWS Fracture Control Plan for Nonredundant Members. The provisions of Clause 12 apply to steel bridge members or components that are designated as “fracture critical.” Fracture critical members are basically tension members, or portions of members, of a bridge whose failure could cause a partial or complete collapse of the bridge. The program will evaluate the capability of the bridge fabricator to meet the more stringent fabrication demands of the D1.5 Fracture Control Plan. This endorsement is optional for only Certified Bridge Fabricators or Component Manufacturers.
Sophisticated Paint Endorsement (SPE)
This OPTIONAL endorsement’s governing document is the Standard for Shop Application of Complex Protective Coating Systems, which was developed as a joint effort with Society for Protective Coatings: SSPC to streamline the criteria for both the marketplace and industry. The program evaluates the qualifications of structural steel fabricators and manufacturers of bridge and highway metal components who apply sophisticated or industrial protective coatings, such as zincs, expoxies, urethanes, or multi-coat systems in their paint shops following fabrication. There are three categories: P1-Sophisticated Paint Endorsement-Enclosed, P2-Sophisticated Paint Endorsement-Covered, and P3-Sophisticated Paint Endorsement-Outside. The program is optional for all AISC Certified fabricator participants.
Additional Resources
Certification Process
Below is the general process for applying to AISC Certification. The process takes roughly six to seven months conservatively. If you have specific questions, please contact AISC Certification at certification@aisc.org or 312.670.7520.
- Applicant to complete the online application form
- AISC will review the form and send an email requesting an extended application, Application Documentation Submittals, and fee.
- The applicant will submit completed extended application, Application Documentation Submittals (including quality manual), and fee.
- AISC will perform an Eligibility Review for all programs and endorsements the applicant has applied.
- AISC will move the applicant onto the documentation audit, in which the Audit Agency will perform an in-depth Documentation Audit of the Application Documentation Submittals. The applicant must resolve any deficiencies. Upon completion of the documentation audit, the site audit will be scheduled.
- The Audit Agency will perform a site audit where the auditor may issue Corrective Action Requests (CARs) for any deficiencies in the quality management system. CARs will be reviewed and must be resolved before findings will be submitted to AISC.
- Once the Audit Agency submits the audit findings, AISC will complete a series of reviews and determine certificate approval.