
Search Information

Over the last year, AISC Certification has made several changes to our certification programs, and below are two main items effecting our Certificaiton search. If you have any questions, please contact us at certification@aisc.org or 312.670.7520.

A few words about...well, words
In addition to adding a new category in the hydraulic program, AISC Certification recently clarified some certification and endorsement names to make the program more intuitive for both participants and specifiers. So this search may look a bit unfamiliar.

Here’s what’s changed:

Current Certification and Endorsement Superseded
Certified Building Fabricator (BU) N/A
Certified Bridge Fabricator - Simple (SBR) Simple Bridge Certification
Certified Bridge Fabricator - Intermediate (IBR) Major Bridge Certification
Certified Bridge Fabricator - Advanced (ABR)  Major Bridge Certification

Certified Highway Component Manufacturer

Certified Metal Component Manufacturer

Certified Hydraulic Fabricator (HYD) N/A

Certified Hydraulic Fabricator - Advanced

Certified Erector (CSE) Certified Steel Erector (Advanced)
Fracture Control Endorsement (FCE) Fracture Critical Endorsement

Fracture Control Endorsement for Hydraulic


Complex Coatings Endorsement - Enclosed,
Covered and Exposed (CCE-1, CCE-2 and

Sophisticated Paint Endorsement - P1
Enclosed, P2 Covered and P3 Exposed


What does “conditional” mean?
The coronavirus pandemic changed a number of procedures for AISC Certification--with major implications for new applicants. The initial certification process involves an in-person site audit; we suspended those for safety reasons in 2020.

Companies granted conditional certification have fulfilled part of the application process but have not yet had the site audit. They have, however, successfully met AISC Certification program requirements through a remote assessment of the documentation-based aspects of their quality management systems. 

As AISC Certification resumes in-person site audits and completes the full review and approval process, companies with conditional certification will be granted full certification status or withdrawn from the program.