As of June 1, 2022, AISC has updated the Governing Requirements for Certification Programs (GRs). Please see Bulletin 2022-02 for more information. All applicants will be required to meet these criteria regardless of when they apply."
You may have heard of AISC Quality Management Systems (QMS) Certification, but you may not know exactly what's involved. AISC's certification programs set the quality standard for the structural steel industry and are the most recognized national quality certification program for the industry. Our programs focus on the entire process of fabrication and erection. Our goal is to build quality structures from the start by focusing on error prevention rather than error correction. Below is additional information and resources for our programs, and if you have specific questions, please contact us directly at certification@aisc.org or 312-670-7520. Read more about the benefits of certification.
Certification Process
Below is the general process for applying for AISC Certification. The process takes roughly seven to eight months conservatively. If you have specific questions, please contact AISC Certification at certification@aisc.org or 312.670.7520.
- Applicant to complete the online application form
- AISC will review the form and send an email requesting an extended application, Application Documentation Submittals (see Application Document Submittals drop-down toward the bottom of this page), and fee.
- The applicant will submit a completed extended application, Application Documentation Submittals (including quality manual), and a fee.
- AISC will perform an Eligibility Review for all programs and endorsements the applicant has applied.
- AISC will move the applicant onto the documentation audit, in which the Audit Agency will perform an in-depth Documentation Audit of the Application Documentation Submittals. The applicant must resolve any deficiencies. Upon completion of the documentation audit, the site audit will be scheduled.
- The Audit Agency will perform a site audit where the auditor may issue Corrective Action Requests (CARs) for any deficiencies in the quality management system. CARs will be reviewed and must be resolved before findings will be submitted to AISC.
- Once the Audit Agency submits the audit findings, AISC will complete a series of reviews and determine certificate approval.
What is the difference between conditional and full certification?
The difference between "Conditional Certification" and full certification is that the physical portion or direct observation of the shop operations or field processes has not been assessed. But, the quality management system, including its procedures, manual, and records, have been reviewed and assessed. For more information, please refer to Section 7.1.2 of the GRs.
AISC Certification’s “No More Waivers!” program is designed to ensure the competitive advantage of AISC Certified firms during the bidding process, when some contractors and owners seek to waive quality requirements to allow bids from non-certified fabricators and/or erectors.
You have an important role to play: We can’t help you unless you ask for assistance. We rely on AISC Certified firms and specifiers to reach out to AISC when they need help countering a waiver. If you find yourself in a situation where a waiver might factor into a project bid, AISC Certification will have your back. Just let us know what’s going on by completing the “No More Waivers!” form online - an online and PDF version are below.
As part of our constant effort to reduce quality waivers, AISC Certification is partnering with Dodge SpecShare to reach specifiers before the bidding process even starts. We’ll send you more details soon. For now, we can tell you that, this new strategy will have an impact on roughly 30% to 40% of job specifications in the U.S.
How to reach out to AISC Certification for help:
Click here to complete the online form.
Click here to download a PDF version.
We need as much information as possible to help you act quickly. Please be sure to give us all the details, especially the information marked “required” on the form.
Additional Resources:
AISC Certification is always looking for new ways to promote the advantages of working with a Certified firm.
Certified fabricators, erectors and specifiers are leading the charge to protect AISC Certification requirements. AISC has a variety of tools available to help you successfully make your case to project decision-makers, including:
- Sample form letter for Certification Program participants to use when a waiver situation occurs
- Sample form letter for project specifiers to use when a waiver situation occurs
- Materials to help people understand exactly what a Certified firm offers:
Standards, Requirements, and Application Document Submittals
Governing Requirements and Standards
The Governing Requirements for Certification Programs have been updated and take effect on January 1, 2025, for all participants and applicants. Please see our Bulletin 2024-08 for information.
- Governing Requirements for Certification Programs
- Supplemental Requirements for Building Fabricators (BU)
- Supplemental Requirements for Bridge Fabricators (SBR, IBR, ABR)
- Supplemental Requirements for Highway Component Manufacturers (CPT)
- Supplemental Requirements for Fabricators of Hydraulic Steel Structures (HYD, HYDA)
- Supplemental Requirements for Erectors (CSE)
- Supplemental Requirements for Fracture Control Endorsement (FCE)
- Supplemental Requirements for Complex Coatings Endorsement (CCE)
Application Document Submittals
- Application Document Submittal for AISC Certification - Fabricators and Manufacturers
- Application Document Submittal for AISC Certification - Erectors
- Application Document Submittal for AISC Certification - Complex Coatings Endorsement
Additional documents required for Erector certification:
- Waiver and Indemnity Agreement Form
- Erector Insurance and Waiver Information
- Sample Certificate of Liability Insurance
Additional optional documents for Bridge certification: