Carol Drucker, PE, SE
- Company
- Drucker Zajdel Structural Engineers
- Title
- Principal
Carol Drucker, SE, PE, PEng, is Principal of Drucker Zajdel Structural Engineers in Chicago. She has worked extensively on the structural design of many connection projects throughout the country and is recognized as an industry leader. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from Purdue University and her Master's Degree in Structural Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. She has authored articles on connection design and currently serves on AISC's Committee on Specifications as well as task committees on Editorial/Economy/Efficiency/Practical Use and Connection Design. Drucker is the recipient of a 2020 AISC Lifetime Achievement Award for her many contributions to the steel industry, particularly in the area of connection design, as well as her involvement with AISC.