Continuing Education

Buyer Beware: Choosing the Right Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel Category [N11]

The new architecturally exposed structural steel (AESS) categories are great; however, buyer beware to the extra labor & cost when specifying higher categories. AISC, the Structural Engineers Association of Colorado, and the Rocky Mountain Steel Construction Association will provide insight, guidance, fabrication alternatives, and project tools for designers who are seeking high quality finishes without overburdening the project budget.

Intended Audience: Engineers, Fabricators, Erectors, Detailers, Architects
Track: Design & Analysis

This course is based on a past NASCC session.

You must purchase and pass a quiz to receive a PDH certificate for this course.

  • Date: 4/12/2018
  • PDH Credits: 1


Jacinda Collins, PE; David Weaver, PE


Buyer Beware: Choosing the Right AESS Category