Continuing Education

Fundamental Principles of Project Management and Tools for Project Success [P3]

Through utilization of key project management principles, project managers can build a foundation that promotes success. With success being measured by three primary factors, cost, schedule, and scope, the successful project manager must balance all three to ensure a quality product. Whether the product at the end of the project is a white paper, a new deck for your home, an apartment building, a safe escape software program for a new aircraft, or a sports arena, the project management fundamentals are the same. They may be customized and scaled appropriately; but, the fundamental principles remain constant. Topics include:
  • Basic Phases of Project Management
  • Project Baseline
  • Project Scheduling
  • Project Budget
  • The 'Three-Legged Stool' Model

Intended Audience: Engineers, Fabricators, Erectors, Detailers, Architects
Track: Project Management

  • Date: 4/11/2018 - 4/13/2018
  • PDH Credits: 0


Brandy Jones, PMP, CSM, SaFE Agilist

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