Continuing Education

Passive Fire Protection for Floor Systems in Steel-Framed Buildings: A Performance-Based Approach [E32a]

Recent reports from a variety of federal agencies and research organizations have generated increased interest in the performance-based design of steel structures to resist unwanted fire as opposed to prescriptive methods, which are the current standard of practice in the U.S. This presentation will discuss the state-of-practice for the design of passive fire protection for steel-supported floor systems and introduce available and upcoming performance-based alternatives. The results of recent experimental tests on composite steel floor beams (which include partial restraint conditions) under fire will be presented and compared to computational modeling results. The performance of the tested subassembly will be compared to that resulting from the use of the current prescriptive design approaches.
  • Date: 3/22/2017 - 3/24/2017
  • PDH Credits: 0


Spencer Quiel

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