University Programs

Student Manual Discount Program Policy

AISC provides the latest edition of the following publications to students at reduced prices when they are ordered through their professor and within the guidelines of this AISC Student Manual Discount Program:

  • AISC Steel Construction Manual
  • AISC Seismic Design Manual
  • Detailing for Steel Construction

Students are required to have access to a valid email address ending in .edu to participate in this program.

Our program is simple to administer and has the following requirements:

  1. Only professors are permitted to request a class key for student purchases through this program.
  2. Receipt of your request will be acknowledged via email within 24 hours, not immediately, so please do not submit duplicate requests. Please allow one week for your request to be approved. If you have any questions, please email
  3. Class keys obtained through this program should only be distributed to students.

Thank you for your assistance in helping us to bring the AISC Manuals to your students at reduced prices! 

University Programs