University Programs
In This Section
Students & Faculty at NASCC: The Steel Conference
Each year, NASCC: The Steel Conference brings all aspects of the structural steel industry under one roof. In addition to 300+ technical sessions, a giant exhibit hall, and unmatched networking opportunities, AISC offers programming specifically for university-level students and faculty.
Students and company representatives mingling at Direct Connect in 2024
Student Opportunities
Registration for NASCC: The Steel Conference is FREE for AISC student members–and you may even qualify for up to $175 in travel reimbursement! Take advantage of this great opportunity to learn more about the structural steel industry and develop your professional connections.
If you are not already an AISC student member, you can apply here (it’s also free!).
View frequently asked questions.
Students Connecting with Industry Sessions (SCIS)
Students are invited to join us for the Students Connecting with Industry Sessions (SCIS) on Thursday, April 3, which is exclusively for students. AISC student members who are full-time students at U.S. universities and attend SCIS can be eligible to receive up to $175 in travel assistance from AISC and a ticket to join us for the conference dinner.
Registration is required for these complimentary student sessions and travel reimbursement requests are submitted following the conference.
Thursday, April 3, 2025
Career Insights Session: 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Lunch: 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Direct Connect: 1:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Career Insights
Students will have the opportunity to hear career insights from two distinguished design professionals. This two-part session will provide upcoming graduates with unique perspectives on the professional world they will soon enter. Students attending the SCIS Career Insights session will receive a complimentary lunch.
Kelly Au, PE, Associate at KPFF
Matthew Fadden, PE, PhD, Associate Principal at Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Direct Connect
Ever wish you could grab a cup of coffee with the top designers of the leading architecture, engineering, and construction firms? At this event, students will have the opportunity to connect and interact with leading industry experts from design and construction companies around North America in a relaxed setting. While not all firms at this event may be hiring, this is a great opportunity to meet significant designers and make key contacts at major firms.
The 2025 list of companies participating in Direct Connect will be confirmed a few weeks before The Steel Conference. We’ll post the list on this page. In the meantime, check out the list of companies that participated in 2024.
Educator Session
Join the AISC university programs team and fellow educators for a complimentary lunch and a look at our latest programs and resources for you to teach steel design.
This session is exclusively for educators who are full-time educators at U.S. universities. Those who attend this session are eligible for up to $300 in travel reimbursement. AISC Educator Members also receive discounted registration for the conference.
Wednesday, April 2
12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Lunch included
Students Frequently Asked Questions
What is NASCC: The Steel Conference, and what is there to do for students?
NASCC: The Steel Conference is AISC's annual premier event for engineers, fabricators, detailers, general contractors, erectors, educators and students to learn about structural steel design and construction, to interact with their peers, and to see the latest products for steel buildings and bridges.
Students are encouraged to attend panels, sessions, and explore the exhibit hall! Plus, we offer a great networking event and session specifically for students, called Students Connecting with Industry Sessions (SCIS).
What are the Students Connecting with Industry Sessions (SCIS)?
Students Connecting with Industry Sessions (SCIS) is exclusively for students, where you can learn about the structural steel industry, explore potential career paths, and network with design professionals.
The first session (Career Insights) features two distinguished design professionals who will provide their unique perspectives on the professional world. Then, following the complimentary lunch, join the conversation and build your network in a relaxed setting during Direct Connect. You will have the opportunity to connect and interact with top designers of the leading architecture, engineering, and construction firms around North America.
When and where are NASCC: The Steel Conference and SCIS taking place?
The 2025 NASCC: The Steel Conference will be held April 2-4 at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, KY. Students Connecting with Industry Sessions (SCIS) will take place on Thursday, April 3.
How much does it cost for students to attend The Steel Conference?
AISC Student Members can attend The Steel Conference and SCIS for free. This includes all conference sessions, and access to the exhibit hall. If you have purchased your Manual through your professor, you may already be an AISC member!If you are not yet an AISC student member, apply for free today!
AISC Student Members who attend the SCIS program will receive a $175 reimbursement, and are not required to submit receipts. You must either attend the Career Insights session or Direct Connect session to be eligible.
It is each student's responsibility to submit their information for the reimbursement using the form provided at the end of SCIS. Approximately 4-6 weeks following the conference, upon approval by AISC, you will receive a check.
Note: You must be an AISC Student Member to receive any travel assistance.
How do I register for SCIS and/or The Steel Conference?
As a student member of AISC, you can attend The Steel Conference and SCIS for free. Register for The Steel Conference here, and you’ll be able to sign up for SCIS during that process.
If you are not yet an AISC student member, apply for free today! Once your membership is confirmed, you can register for The Steel Conference and receive the complimentary registration. Please note: you'll need to submit a copy of your class schedule and your student ID with your completed application.
What companies are participating in Direct Connect?
Direct Connect features companies from across the architecture, engineering, and construction industry. Many specialize in the design of new buildings or bridges, and you’ll also find forensic engineering firms, government agencies, and software companies. For anyone who is interested in pursuing a career in academia, there’s also an opportunity to network with professors to learn more about what that path entails.
The list of companies participating for 2025 will be released two weeks prior to the conference. In the meantime, you can check out the list of companies who attended in 2024. We anticipate that similar companies will participate in 2025.
What can I do to start planning my trip to attend The Steel Conference?
- If you or any other students wishing to attend are not already AISC Student Members, apply here.
- Register for The Steel Conference and SCIS (registration opens January 8!)
- Make your travel plans.
- Book your hotel.
Information about conference hotels will be available on the housing page.
Conference hotels fill up quickly. We recommend that you reserve your room as soon as possible after registering
How should I dress for The Steel Conference and SCIS?
The Steel Conference is a professional atmosphere; however, you will see all levels of attire, from jeans and polos, to suits and ties, and a few t-shirts.
We like to go by the saying: "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." We recommend that you wear professional dress for all SCIS events, and at least business casual (no jeans or t-shirts) to all other The Steel Conference events. You'll be networking with professionals that could make hiring decisions someday, so dress to impress!
A couple other things to note:
Closed-toe shoes are required to enter the exhibit hall.
The Thursday night conference dinner is casual attire, so jeans may be worn.
If you have any questions about what is appropriate, check out photos from the 2018 conference or email Dita Frank at for additional assistance.
How do I prepare for Direct Connect?
Direct Connect features engineering, architecture, and construction firms from around the country, from a variety of industries. The people you will meet at Direct Connect are almost exclusively design professionals, and many are leaders at their respective firms. The engineers that participate in Direct Connect may also be some of the speakers that you'll see as part of The Steel Conference.
We recommend the following steps to prepare for Direct Connect:
Research companies attending Direct Connect.
Create a LinkedIn profile.
Make business cards.
Review the conference program.
Prep your resume.
1. Research companies attending Direct Connect.
We recommend that you come prepared to talk to the companies. Research the companies in advance and create specific questions for each one. We do not recommend approaching companies and asking questions such as... "tell me more about your company", or "what does your company do?" Asking these types of questions can imply that you were unprepared and did not invest any time in researching them. A better approach is to research the companies in advance and create notes and specific questions for each one (it's fine to have them written in a notebook that you refer to at the event).
Direct Connect’s primary purpose is to help you expand your professional network and learn more about the industry. Since this is structured as a networking event rather than a job fair, we recommend you bring business cards in addition to resumes, as attendees of professional networking events typically exchange business cards.
2. Create a LinkedIn profile.
LinkedIn is a powerful tool for sharing information about your professional background, and can serve as a real-time resume. You can connect with representatives from companies you meet at the conference via LinkedIn. If you do not have a profile, please go to to sign up for a free account and build your profile.
3. Make business cards.
People may not always be able to take a hard copy of a resume, but they can always take a business card. Business cards will be more appropriate for other networking opportunities such as the Welcome Reception on Wednesday, Conference Dinner on Thursday evening, and technical sessions throughout the conference.
Free templates for business cards are available on the Microsoft Office templates site, and we recommend that you use business card paper (search "Avery business cards" at Staples for pre-cut/perforated options). You can also choose to have business cards printed through an office supply store, or an online service such as UPrinting at a fairly reasonable cost. Please be aware of the necessary lead times, as the conference is quickly approaching.
Please note: The cost of supplies for printing resumes and/or business cards will not be reimbursed by AISC as part of the travel reimbursement benefit for students. For more information on this benefit for SCIS attendees, see the Student Reimbursement Policy.
4. Review the conference program.
Along with the student sessions, your registration includes access to the conference, including the full program of technical sessions, the Welcome Reception on Wednesday, and access to the exhibit hall. Check out the schedule to find sessions outside of SCIS to attend. You can also download our mobile app to access the full schedule, session details, and create a personalized schedule for the conference.
5. Prep your resume.
In general, having a resume ready to go can help make sure you are prepared for connecting with companies. You may be asked to send a resume by email after the conference, and you want to have it ready to send. You may also want to bring some copies of your resume to the conference. You can ask companies during Direct Connect, "Would it be ok if I email you a copy of my resume? I can also leave a paper copy with you now if you would like."
Keep in mind that Direct Connect is a networking opportunity to learn more from professionals in the industry, rather than a career fair. Many of the top engineers from each company will be at their table, and they look forward to sharing about their professional experiences and answering your questions.
Some of the Direct Connect companies may be actively hiring while others may not be. While it is fine at some point in a conversation to express an interest in employment opportunities at their company, please do not use this as your initial / primary question.
Who can I contact with additional questions?
Any of the people listed below can help you with your questions!
Dita Frank (
Brian Quinn (
Lisa Willard (