University Programs

Core Teaching Aids for Structural Steel Design Courses

This is a series of PowerPoint slide sets on a variety of topics that usually are covered in Steel Design courses. Instructors may incorporate all or part of these slide sets, as needed, into their existing steel class lecture notes. These slides also may be used in courses that aren’t primarily structural steel design courses but still address topics in steel design.

You will be able to most efficiently use these teaching aids by beginning with a review of the Instructor Notes.


Instructor Notes (2.3 MB)
Beams (3.9 MB)
Compression (44 MB)
Tension (1.5 MB)
Combined Forces (1.8 MB)
AISC Sample Tables (2.5 MB)

NOTE: The Core Teaching Aids have been updated to reflect changes in the AISC Steel Construction Manual with the publication of the 15th Edition.