A Lasting Impact
By Jennifer Golec
If James M. Fisher could have picked a grandfather, Edwin H. Gaylord would have been his top choice.
Are You Properly Specifying Materials?
By Charles J. Carter, PE
Part two in a three-part series: structural plates
Leaping Ahead with EDI
By Steven E. Hamburg, P.E., Mark V., Holland, P.E.
While the steel design and construction industry has taken a number of baby steps towards implementation of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), the next few years should see a great leap forward.
Off the Beam
By Scott Melnick
The Structure Of A Hollywood Plane Crash
By Joseph Burns, Dionysios Pantazis, Jonathan Block
Specially designed steel gimbals were critical to the fabulous special effects in the movie U.S. Marshals
Topping Out: Sign of the Times
By Fred Bernstein
"The last word from Readers of Modern Steel Construction" Sign of the Times