

By Ruben Martinez, P.E., S.E., and Adam Johnson
Structural steel brings the magic of the Phantom of the Opera to a transformed exhibition hall in Las Vegas.

The Suite Life
By Eric Roth, P.E.
An innovative steel system is seeing increased use in university residence halls, as illustrated by a current dorm project in Pennsylvania.

Ocean View
By William Baker, P.E., S.E., Robert Sinn, P.E., S.E., and Bradley Young, S.E.
Wide open spaces, made possible by long spans, are part of a coastal theme at the new Virginia Beach Convention Center.

A Tale of Two Projects
By Michael Bolduc, P.E., John Thomsen, P.E., and Joseph Zona, P.E.
Teams from two health-care projects offer some insight into choosing between field-welded and field-bolted moment connections.

Quality Corner: Certifying the Certifier
By Roberta Marstellar, P.E., with Sheila Alegria
Over a three-year period Quality Management Company improved itself from the inside out—and became ISO certified in the process.

Engineering Value into Your Project
By David T. Ricker, P.E., updated by Charlie Carter, P.E., S.E.
Design economy is a topic that never grows old. Here’s an update of a classic MSC article outlining ways to keep your steel projects on time and on budget.

Primary Concerns
By Anne Scarlett
Primary research involving input from clients and industry experts should be a key element in developing your firm’s marketing strategy.

Joist Cause
By P.J. Moran, P.E., and Eric Jensen, P.E.
Providing the proper information and checking the computer’s work will keep the joist portion of any construction project on track.