Full House
By Geoff Weisenberger
Future engineers pack UNLV’s Thomas and Mack Center for the annual National Student Steel Bridge Competition.
Northern Lights
By Derrick D. Roorda, P.E., S.E., LEED AP, and Lisa T. Minakami, P.E., S.E., LEED AP
Edmonton pays hommage to its northern locale with a shining new addition to the Art Gallery of Alberta.
Standing Tall in Madrid
By Greg Lakota, P.E., S.E.
A visually light Vierendeel frame wraps Spain’s tallest building.
Russia Rising
By Brad Malmsten, P.E.
Steel steps in to help Moscow’s Federation Tower reach new heights and become Europe’s tallest building.
Keeping the Party Going
By Robert M. Weilacher, P.E., S.E., LEEP AP and Dr.-Ing. Olaf U. Faber, P.E.
New space requirements call for a repurposed lobby and ballroom areas in an Atlanta hotel.
Under Glass
By Malcolm Bland, P.E., LEED AP, and Christopher Conn, P.E., S.E.
A glass-and-steel-encased atrium meets the goals of less structure and more openness, providing great views of the Potomac River in the process.
Outer Strength
By Geoff Weisenberger
When it comes to hollow structural sections, it’s what’s on the outside that counts.
A Strong Connection to HSS
By M. Thomas Ferrell and Erin Christie
An upcoming design guide expands AISC’s library of resources on HSS connections.
Checklists? You've got to be Kidding!
By Mark W. Trimble, P.E.
Checklists shouldn’t be the entire quality program, but they shouldn’t be left out of the program either.
Go Green or Go Home
By Timothy R. Johnson
Keeping with the green movement is crucial to recruitment and retention.
Down South
By Rob Kinchler, P.E.
The South Central United States: Manufacturing a smart and healthy construction market.
If You Want it Done Right, Do it Yourself
By Matt Thomas, S.E.
How hand-checks create the right balance, even in the digital age.