26 Ready for Launch
By Mark Maves, PE, and Martin Furrer, SE, PE
A Minneapolis bridge project takes advantage of an innovative launching process to remove an existing Warren truss and install its replacement.
32 Urban Update
By Kevin Wagstaff, AIA, Brian Hermiller, PE, and Cameron Baker, PE
A downtown Pittsburgh structural expansion blends steel history with steel present.
38 Long-Term Analysis for Short-Span Bridges
By Michael G. Barker, PE, PhD
A recent life-cycle cost analysis compares steel and concrete short-span bridges.
42 That's Not Fracture-Critical!
By Brandon Chavel, PE, PhD, and Jason Lloyd, PE, PhD
Advice on classifying system-redundant members.
48 Redundancy Made Simple
By Cem Korkmaz, PhD, and Robert Connor, PhD
A simplified approach for designing system-redundant members in composite continuous twin-tub girder bridges.
54 Lone Star State Redundancy Update
By Jamie F. Farris, PE, John Holt, PE, Karl Frank, PE, PhD, and Greg Turco, PE
Riveting research results in redundancy revelations in Texas.
16 Keeping Cross-Frames in Check
By Devin Altman, PE, and Brandon Chavel, PE, PhD
When in doubt, don’t just make your cross-frames stout.
field notes
22 Industry ACE
Interview by Geoff Weisenberger
Project executive Angela Cotie is strengthening Houston’s construction industry one student at a time.
business issues
24 Leveraging Layout
By Ian Warner
Layout plays an important role in efficient, successful steel projects.