
Keith Landwehr, Structural Steel Construction and QC Consultant, Dies

Keith Landwehr, a highly respected structural steel construction and quality control consultant who was involved in numerous AISC activities, passed away last week after a battle with cancer. He was 63.

Landwehr worked in steel construction for over 30 years and started contributing to AISC, including Certification Committee activities, in the mid-1990s. He served as the Chair of an ad hoc committee that brought quality concepts learned from the Northridge Earthquake into the AISC Seismic Provisions and later chaired the task committee that defined quality requirements in Chapter N of the Specification for Structural Steel Buildings. He was a member of the AISC Committee on Specifications and the Seismic Subcommittee, TC9, and was also a member of the AISC Committee on the Code of Standard Practice. In addition, he was a contributor to the Steel Solutions Center and various American Welding Society structural welding code committees.

In 2012, he was honored with AISC’s Special Achievement Award for his leadership on the AISC Certification Committee and his significant contributions to quality certification, as well as his work on the 2010 AISC Specification (including the development of Chapter N).

Landwehr is survived by his wife, Mary Jo, two sons and two granddaughters.