
Updated Fee Schedule for AISC Certification Programs

Effective today, AISC has introduced a new fee schedule for its Certification programs. “This new fee schedule reflects changes and continuing improvements to the program and is the first time we’ve increased fees in more than five years,” said Roger Ferch, president of AISC.

In the past, fees were based on program type (such as Steel Building Structures or Steel Bridges). The new fee schedule allows participants to pay for a base certificate with a supplementary fee for additional certificates/program certifications. “This is a more equitable solution that better reflects the actual costs for all program participants,” Ferch explained. For an AISC member certified to the building fabrication program, the increase will range from 2-7% over the three-year certification cycle.

“Recognizing the higher cost of auditing a larger company, the fee schedule includes higher fees for larger companies,” stated Jacques Cattan, AISC vice president responsible for Certification. “And reflecting the contributions of AISC members, the fee schedule includes a 35% discount for AISC members.”

 The new fee schedule can be found at For questions, please contact Jacques Cattan at or 312.670.5436.