The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) and the Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI), a business unit of AISI, recently launched #SummerOfSteel -- a summer-long social media campaign promoting steel through a digital “road trip” across North America. The campaign is intended to educate and inform people through facts, stories and photos about the benefits of steel to the community and the individual. It will run through September 14.
"The #SummerOfSteel campaign will highlight the benefits of steel to citizens through our social media networks and allow them to join in on the conversation,” said Lisa Harrison, senior vice president of communications at AISI. “We’re looking forward to showcasing the successes of the steel industry and our value chain in this digital trek across the continent, and seeing how consumers are impacted by steel along the way.”
The campaign homepage,, features an interactive map of locations in the U.S., Canada and Mexico showing how steel improves that specific community, region or country. Each post features information on the construction, automotive and packaging steel markets and also highlights the public policy and sustainability arenas.
In addition to the map, the #SummerofSteel social media contest invites the public to share images of their personal encounters with steel for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card. The contest takes place on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and contestants use the hashtags #SummerOfSteel and #contest for a chance to win. The contest winner will be announced September 14.
The complete contest rules can be found at For more about the campaign, visit