AISC is offering a four-part webinar series, “Bracing Connections and Related Topics,” which will be held on Thursdays starting August 13 through September 10. This series on vertical bracing connections will demonstrate how to distribute forces to connection components and check for applicable limit states.
Each 1.5-hour webinar will begin at 1:30 p.m. EDT:
Session 1: August 13 - Basic Principles
Session 2: August 20 - The Uniform Force Method
Session 3: September 3 - Bracing Connection Details and Prying Action
Session 4: September 10 - Vertical Bracing Corner Connections
This series offers two options for registering: a four-session package (only one continuing education certificate issued) or individual webinars (unlimited number of continuing education certificates issued per connection).
Registrants will receive access to a PDF file of the presentation slides prior to each webinar, CEU/PDH certificates upon completion of the live webinar (0.15 CEUs / 1.5 PDHs per session) and complete instructions for accessing the live webinar.
For registration details and pricing, please visit