The Steel Erectors Association of America (SEAA) recently announced that its network of Ironworker Training Units has expanded from coast to coast with the addition of Orland, Calif.-based Rackley Company, Inc. (an AISC member and certified erector).
Rackley Company serves southern Oregon to central California, and, like many companies in the industry, faces the need to maintain a skilled workforce as they prepare to lose seasoned ironworkers to retirement.
“Rackley Company currently employs more than 60 field personnel. With continued steady growth from year to year, and with many employees with 20-plus years [on the job] heading to retirement, we face the dilemma of maintaining a knowledgeable workforce,” said Scott Rackley, president. “It was for this reason the company decided to establish SEAA/NCCER Ironworker Craft Training, with a future goal of offering Ironworker Apprenticeship. Currently, two other SEAA members have successfully established Ironworker Apprenticeships in Texas and Florida.”
SEAA partnered with the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) to develop and initiate the Ironworker Craft Training Program in March 2014. Since then the program has grown to a network of training units in 11 states and the District of Columbia. The program also meets the U.S. Department of Labor’s requirements for apprenticeships.
“The SEAA/NCCER Ironworker Craft Training Program will attract a desirable pool of qualified applicants, and help new hires reach their full potential. This will help us grow the next generation of great ironworkers and steel erectors,” Rackley added.
To learn more about the program, visit SEAA is also endorsed by NCCER for Rigger, Signal Person and Mobile Crane Operator certifications and credentials. For more information on becoming a SEAA sponsored training unit or assessment site, contact Tim Eldridge at 980.722.9373 or