
AISC Certification Program Requirements Available for Public Comment

AISC is accepting public comments through March 7 on the proposed Program Requirements for Fabricator, Erector and Manufacturer Certifications. General requirements for all certified companies are being consolidated into one document, and each program has a tailored set of supplemental requirements.

The program requirements are the governing program criteria and refer to the standards and other audit criteria. For more information on this relationship between the program requirements and standards, consider attending the upcoming NASCC: The Steel Conference Session Q1: Certification Is More Than Just a Standard.

The new program requirements are scheduled to be published by March 31, and starting June 1, all certified companies will need to meet the new requirements.

To access the draft requirements and submit public comments online, please click here. If you have any additional questions, please contact AISC Certification at  or 312.670.7520.