
Field Fixes and Solutions Webinar on March 14; Register Today

What do you do when an anchor rod hole is misplaced? Or the columns aren't plumb? Don't you hate when that happens? More importantly, what can you do to prevent these problems from occurring in the first place?

Join us on March 14 for a live webinar, "Field Fixes and Solutions," hosted by James M. Fisher, PE, PhD, emeritus vice president of CSD Structural Engineers. An author, speaker and past Higgins Award winner, Jim has served on many committees at AISC.  He has presented many times at NASCC: The Steel Conference, including on the topic of field fixes.

The 90-minute (1:30 pm - 3:00 pm EST) program will discuss a wide range of topics and provides the tools and knowledge to not only fix, but also to potentially prevent these field problems. Note that this seminar is more philosophical rather than technical in nature and is based upon many years of practical experience.

Topics include:

  • What to do when notified about a field problem
  • Anchor rods
  • Columns and beams
  • Reinforcing members and connections
  • Fit-up problems
  • Member selection guidelines

Click here for more information and to register for the live webinar.