
New Steel Ohio River Bridge Lifted into Place

Credit: MetroNews

The new structural steel Wellsburg Bridge connecting Brooke County, W.V.’s Route 2 and Brilliant, Ohio’s Route 7 over the Ohio River was lifted into place last month after being  transported to the site via barge--and the West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) live-streamed the entire trip.

“A remarkable feat going on even as we talk,” said WVDOH engineer Jimmy Wriston. “They floated it downstream, pivoted, and are in the process of jacking it up.” 

“It’s another Ohio River crossing and gives you a little redundancy,” he continued. “A lot of our bridges are aging and in need of some work. This gives us a vital place to cross over so we can enjoy more and more interstate commerce between us and the rest of the country.”

The full news item is available at MetroNews.