Design Guide 1: Base Connection Design for Steel Structures (Third Ed.) (Print)

Format: Softcover
Category: Design Guides
Design Guide 1: Base Connection Design for Steel Structures (Third Ed.) (Print)
$25.00 -
This new edition of AISC Design Guide 1, Base Connection Design for Steel Structures, provides detailedanalysis and design guidance on base connections. Years of research contributed to the significant expansions included in the guide in areas of seismic design and embedded base connection design. Guidance is also offered on the simulation of base connections in finite element models. Extensive design examples are included.
Bonus Material
- Benchmark Data
- Interaction Diagram - Embedded Connection
- Rotational Stiffness - Blockout Connection Simplified
- Rotational Stiffness - Blockout Connection
- Rotational Stiffness - Embedded Connection
- Rotational Stiffness - Exposed Base Connection
The authors of this design guide would like to acknowledge the contributions of Ahmad Hassan, Ph.D., a design engineer at Degenkolb Engineers and recipient of the 2024 Reidar Bjorhovde Outstanding Young Professional Award.
Publication Date: 2024
Amit Kanvinde, Mahmoud Maamouri, and Joshua Buckholt