Augmented Reality in Structural Steel Fabrication

  • Primary Investigator(s): Hannah Blum
  • Institution: University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Year Completed: 2024
  • Report Number: AISC-FRR-2024-01

Project Abstract

Structural steel fabrication is a vital process in the construction industry. Fabricators make custom sections and connections which will be assembled into the main structure. Errors in the fabrication process can result in expensive delays and other undesirable costs, which will increase the overall budget of the project. To improve the competitiveness of the structural steel industry relative to other building materials, a new method to improve the fabrication process is proposed. A custom augmented reality program will be created which will assist the steel fabricator in indicating where and which fabrication operations need to be performed on the steel section using a model of the shop drawings. Additionally, the custom program can be used for quality control purposes before shipping the finished parts to the construction site. It is envisioned this will reduce costly errors and can be widely implemented in various structural steel fabricator shops.

Final Research Report

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Demonstration Videos of AR Technology

Demonstration Videos on the University of Wisconsin Website