Fabricator & Erector Certification
Fabricator & Erector Certification
AISC fabricator and erector certification brings value to any steel project
The AISC Quality Management Systems (QMS) Certification sets the quality standard for the structural steel industry and is the most recognized national quality certification program for the building and bridge industry. The program includes over 50% of the building fabricators in the U.S., and every state Department of Transportation (DOT) requires their bridge fabricators to be certified. Here's how employing AISC-Certified fabricators and erectors can enhance your project:
Certification assists in achieving your desired level of quality
At times, people run into issues on projects that don't require AISC Certification-or on projects that specify AISC Certification but where the requirements are waived. Nobody likes to find mistakes, especially ones that cost a project time or money. AISC's program is designed to ensure that companies don't just say they have procedures in place-but are actually following them. Through the auditing process, the program verifies that a company's QMS is meeting the certification requirements and therefore meeting the specified level of quality.
Certification helps evaluate and prequalify bidders
Sometimes project teams just don't have close relationships with fabricators and erectors near their project or just need a short list of bidders. Selecting AISC-Certified companies can identify a steel team that has an active, dedicated quality management system in place. The easiest way to find an AISC-Certified fabricator or erector is to visit www.aisc.org/certsearch.
Certification sets a high quality standard for the project
Design teams are sometimes known to say , "I don't have any control over who the GC hires for this project." While the designers may not make the final decision, by specifying AISC Certification for the steel contractors, they are making a strong statement about their commitment to quality. The project team is committed to producing a quality set of drawings and specifications, so why stop there? Specifying AISC-Certified fabricators and erectors maintains a proven quality management system that encompasses the entire fabrication and erection process.
Certification offers cost savings in third-party inspections
Section 1704 of the International Building Code (IBC) and Chapter N of the AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings allow for the waiving of special inspection requirements for structural steel fabricators and erectors approved by the authority having jurisdiction, and most AHJs approve AISC-Certified fabricators and erectors. This saves the project money and time because those inspections are performed by the fabricator or erector with their own in-house staff.
Certification builds in quality from the start
AISC Certification goes far beyond product inspection requirements; it examines a company's QMS as a whole. AISC-Certified companies are required to have a complete QMS that covers the entire fabrication or erection process, from quality goals to employee training to product delivery.
Certification demonstrates commitment
By becoming AISC-Certified, companies make the statement that they are dedicated to quality. AISC Certification is a sign that the company has the personnel, knowledge, organization, equipment, experience, capability, procedures and commitment to produce quality work.
Certification makes every project a quality project
AISC Certification isn't just for large or complicated construction projects. By specifying AISC Certification on every project, even smaller projects can benefit from the expertise of AISC-Certified fabricators and erectors.
Find a certified fabricator or erector for your next project at http://msc.aisc.org/certification/.
To learn more about structural steel, visit http://cloud.aisc.org/nascc/2009/E18/default.htm.
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