24 Winging It
By Chris A. Christoforou, PE, and Iliana Karagiannakou, PE
At a Florida aeronautical school, the sky’s the limit for a new student union topped by an avian-inspired steel roof.
30 Steel Coliseum
By Allison Clark, PE
A steel-framed replica of an ancient architectural icon brings new capacity to a corporate headquarters with old-world charm.
36 Revisiting Redundancy
By Jason B. Lloyd, PE, PhD
A look at historical considerations of redundancy and fracture-critical members in steel bridges.
40 You Can Get There From Here
The 20th annual Steel Design Student Competition challenged students to elevate the transit center concept, and the winners generated some out-of-this-world designs.
56 Safety in Numbers
By Kris Chipman
Safety should be an ongoing discussion, and OSHA’s annual lists of safety violations provide a good reference point in your own company’s safety conversation.
16 Weight, Cost, Time, Happiness—and You
By Larry Muir, PE, and Mark Holland, PE
How to keep your clients happy, make your life easier, and (maybe) get (sort of) rich(er) doing it.
business issues
22 Tidy Up
By Anne Scarlett
How to maintain a client roster that sparks joy.