
Steel Shots: Doubling the Dixie

Dixie Highway Flyover

The Dixie Highway Flyover between Boca Raton and Deerfield Beach, Fla., is a Prize Bridge Medium Span winner in NSBA’s 2014 Prize Bridge awards competition. And about the winning bridge, Thomas R. Cooper, P.E., P.Eng., lead structural engineer at Parsons Brinckeroff in Denver, and a judge in the competition, said: “Painted steel box girders provided a clean and efficient solution to a curved alignment traversing the street-level intersections below.” Photo: Courtesy of Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 

The Dixie Highway is done doubling up. The last remaining two-lane stretch, in northern Broward and Palm Beach Counties (Fla.), has been expanded to four lanes in the form of a flyover that crosses the Florida East Coast (FEC) Railroad, several local streets and the Hillsboro Canal, a waterway that separates the cities of Boca Raton and Deerfield Beach.

Two separate structures were constructed using a total of 3,250 tons of structural steel. The main bridge is a 1,390-ft, eight-span, S-curved, steel box girder bridge with a super-elevated transition. The steel tubs are 6 ft and 7 ft deep for ease of maintenance and sit 16 ft to 30 ft above grade. The second bridge is a single-span, 218-ft single steel box pedestrian bridge connecting Pioneer Park in Deerfield Beach to Boca Raton over the canal.

Read more about the Dixie Highway Flyover and all of this year’s Prize Bridge award winners in the current June issue of MSC.