
STI Launches HSS Production Capability Tool

To use the tool, designate the size, material grade and any seismic ductility requirements, then click on the search button. As shown in the above image, a chart will display indicating the sizes of HSS that are produced by STI member companies. Click on any colored square to view which STI producers manufacture the size and grade requested. The contact information for the manufacturer will also be displayed. 

The Steel Tube Institute (STI) has launched an HSS Production Capability Tool designed to help specifiers and those within the steel supply chain locate producers of specific sizes of hollow structural sections (HSS).

This online search tool can be used to discern which sizes are produced regularly by STI member producers, as well as when less commonly specified tube sizes are capable of being produced and sourced. STI member producers load their current production schedules into the program and are required to update their information at least every six months to ensure accurate and up-to-date data.

The Capability Tool is available at