A product category rule is now available for structural steel.
The "North American Product Category Rule for Designated Steel Construction Products” marks a major step in the process of preparing a series of environmental product declarations (EPDs) for steel products used in domestic construction. Specifically identified in the PCR are fabricated structural steel, cold‐formed steel sections, and concrete reinforcing steel used and/or sold in North America. This PCR is based on the European PCR for construction products (EN 15804) and conforms to ISO 21930, with specific guidance for these products in North America.
Development of this PCR was guided by the Program Operator (SCS Global Services), with contributions from AISC, the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI), the Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA), the Steel Framing Alliance (SFA), ArcelorMittal, and Nucor Corporation.
“As part of its commitment to the transparent reporting of the environmental impacts of fabricated structural steel, AISC is actively moving forward in the development of EPDs based on this PCR,” said John Cross, an AISC vice president.
For structural steel elements, the PCR requires that product stage modules (A1, A2, and A3) be reported in the resultant EPD. These modules include provisions of all materials, products and energy, as well as waste treatment of final residues during the product stage.
The modules are defined as follows:
A1. All activities necessary for the production of structural steel including, but not limited to, the recovery or extraction and processing of feedstock materials, furnace and related process operations at the melt shop, casting and rolling into the final product. For products requiring secondary processing, all activities performed during secondary processing and transportation from the primary producer to the secondary producer are to be included. All upstream activities related to fuel use and/or electricity generation are included in this stage.
A2. Transport to the structural steel fabricator.
A3. Fabrication of structural steel elements.
For additional information and to download the PCR, please visit www.scsglobalservices.com/product-category-rules-pcr.