
Public Perception of Manufacturing Report Released

Steel Dynamics, Inc. (an AISC member) recently announced plans to to expand its operations in Columbia City, Ind. The company will create up to 33 new high-wage jobs by 2018. (Photo courtesy of Steel Dynamics, Inc.) 

The Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte have released a report on their 2017 Public Perception of Manufacturing Survey. The report shows that manufacturing matters to many Americans, with the vast majority viewing U.S. manufacturing as crucial to America’s economic prosperity, standard of living and national security. In the mind of the average American, though, many of the current perceptions of manufacturing haven’t kept pace with advances in the industry, leaving a gap between perceptions and reality in terms of critical factors such as job stability, pay and benefits.

The good news is that the perception of the industry’s future looks promising. According to the report, it seems the American public understands future jobs in manufacturing are likely to be high-skilled, high-tech, cleaner, safer, and more innovative and creative than they are now.

Download the study to see steps manufacturers, either individually or collectively, can take to actively create more positive perceptions about the industry. And visit to see how the U.S. structural steel industry supports America’s economy, businesses and workers.