
2018 IDEAS2 Award Winners Announced

A dozen structural steel projects have earned recognition in the 2018 Innovative Design in Engineering and Architecture with Structural Steel Awards program (IDEAS2). Conducted annually by AISC, the IDEAS2 Award is the highest honor bestowed on building projects by the U.S. structural steel industry and recognizes excellence and innovation in the use of structural steel on building projects across the country. The winning projects and their respective team members will be recognized at the 2018 NASCC: The Steel Conference, April 11-13 in Baltimore.

“We celebrate these projects and appreciate the savvy, creative people behind them for showcasing the beauty and usefulness of structural steel,” said Charles J. Carter, SE, PE, PhD, president of AISC. “Our hearty congratulations to the award-winning teams for a great compilation of excellent solutions!”

The 2018 award-winning projects are:

Projects Greater than $75 Million

  • National Award: 150 North Riverside, Chicago
  • National Award: World Trade Center Transportation Hub (The Oculus), New York City
  • Merit Award: 111 Main, Salt Lake City
  • Merit Award: U.S. Bank Stadium, Minneapolis

Projects $15 Million to $75 Million

  • National Award: USAFA Center for Character and Leadership Development, Colorado Springs, Colo.
  • Merit Award: UC Davis Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum of Art, Davis, Calif.
  • Merit Award: Apple Union Square, San Francisco
  • Merit Award: Daily's Place, Jacksonville, Fla.

Projects Less than $15 Million

  • National Award: North Transfer Station Rebuild, Tipping and Transfer Building, Seattle
  • Merit Award: Riggs CAT Headquarters, Little Rock, Ark.

Presidential Award of Excellence in Engineering

  • Promedica Corporate Headquarters, Toledo, Ohio
  • Hard Rock Stadium Shade Canopy Erection Plan, Miami Gardens, Fla.

See the 2018 award-winning projects at For more information, see AISC’s announcement. All of the winners will be featured in our May issue, with detailed project descriptions and photographs of each.