
New Publication Outlines Changes to ASCE Load Provisions

The American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) new publication, Significant Changes to the Minimum Design Load Provisions of ASCE 7-16, describes more than 100 changes from ASCE 7-10, accompanied by an explanation of the rationale behind each change and a detailed analysis of its implications. The four subject matter expert authors summarize and explain the major differences between the two versions, highlighting the most noteworthy developments for readers.

Illustrated by photographs, diagrams and other visual aids, the book covers general requirements and load combinations; dead and live loads; snow, rain and ice loads; earthquake loads; wind loads; and new tsunami guidelines. This volume, co-published by ASCE Press and the International Code Council, translates changes to the ASCE 7-16 load provisions into a form that’s quickly accessible to structural engineers, architects, contractors, building officials and inspectors and related professionals.

The publication is available for purchase in the ASCE Bookstore.