The Steel Erectors Association of America recently joined other industry stakeholders in publicly supporting seven policy recommendations to make the United States the world leader in workforce development.
The policies are based on three years of analysis of more than two million data points, more than 21 separate data sources and 45 site visits across North America and Europe.
The final result is the advocacy document Restoring the Dignity of Work: Transforming the U.S. Workforce Development System into a World Leader, which is designed to educate legislators at all levels on how to align their approaches.
The seven policies are:
- Establish and strengthen the awareness of career opportunities in our nation.
- Revitalize our work-based learning programs.
- Measure performance and involvement in workforce development when awarding construction contracts.
- Redefine how we measure the quality of our nation’s secondary education system.
- Increase participation of underrepresented groups in career and technical education by career and college readiness.
- Establish and expand collaboration between industry, education, and government.
- Develop more balanced funding among post-secondary career and technical education and higher education.
The research report can be viewed here.