Structural steel is already the gold standard for rapid erection. But what if we could make it even faster?
AISC is offering $5,000 for up to three great ideas to revolutionize steel floor beam connections. Your back-of-the-napkin, so-crazy-it-just-might-work concept could become the next revolutionary, non-proprietary connection system!
The key words are FAST and EASY--to design, fabricate, and erect safely. The ideal solution will be fast and easy to install, will reduce rotation of floor beam connections to improve performance, will use technology that is not typically found in construction (think: 3D printing, adhesives, etc.), and will be equal to in cost or less expensive than current designs and methods.
These ideas may come from outside the standard structural steel industry--for instance, mechanical engineers, material scientists, or carpenters may have a unique idea that we haven’t seen before.
“Someone out there has been kicking around a great idea for an innovative, fast connection--and they may not even know it,” said AISC Director of Market Development Erin Conaway, PE, LEED AP. “That’s why we’re reaching out beyond the steel industry to see whether other technically minded professionals can apply their expertise to structural steel.”
The SpeedConnection Steel Challenge runs through 11:59 p.m. Central on November 20 and is part of AISC’s Need for Speed initiative, which seeks to increase the speed of structural steel design and construction by 50% by 2025.
To learn more or to submit an idea to the Rigid SpeedConnection Challenge, visit