A draft of the next edition of the AISC Specification for Safety-Related Steel Structures for Nuclear Facilities (AISC N690) is available for public review until March 18, 2024. This is a planned revision to the 2018 edition of the standard and will supersede the 2018 version.
Proposed updates to the standard include:
- Updates to generally align with the 2022 edition of the Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC 360)
- New provisions to address differential settlement and elevated temperatures
- Modifications to the nondestructive testing provisions for ultrasonic and radiographic testing
- Updates to the requirements for steel-plate composite elements incorporating the latest research
- A new appendix pertaining to impactive and impulsive loading
To access the draft and the review form, visit aisc.org/publicreview. The form will be available from February 2 to March 18, 2024. You can also order a hard copy for a $35 nominal charge by contacting Martin Downs at downs@aisc.org. Please submit comments using the forms provided online to Nathaniel Gonner at gonner@aisc.org by March 18.