Analytical Assessment of the Strength of Steel Truss Bridge Gusset Plates

This paper investigates the strength of steel truss bridge gusset plates using finite element parametric test simulations validated against full-scale experimental tests. Numerous study cases are designed by varying the locations in the bridge and thus the corresponding loading scenarios, joint geometries including gusset thicknesses, member end details, member inclination angles, member connection lengths, free edge lengths, fastener strengths, corrosion patterns, and retrofit scenarios. The strengths obtained from the parametric studies are summarized and a number of recommendations are provided to improve current gusset plate design and rating procedures.

  • Date: 4/16/2013 - 4/20/2013


Kim, Y.D.; Georgia Perimeter College; Decatur, GA; Mentes, Y.; MMI Engineering; Houston, TX; White, D.W.; Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA; Leon, R.T.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Blacksburg, VA

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