Continuing Education
Benefits of Steel in Accelerated Bridge Construction
Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) has become commonplace in the United States. Prefabrication is the key to a successful project. The webinar will focus on the benefits of steel in ABC including reduced weight and the ability of the material to accommodate variable stresses during erection. Common forms of prefabrication using steel elements will be presented. Portions of the webinar will be based on the recently published reports for Projects 12-102 and 12-98 of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP).
This course is based on a past AISC Live Webinar.
You must purchase and pass a quiz to receive a PDH certificate for this course.
- Date: 6/19/2018
- Duration: 1.5 hours
- PDH Credits: 1.5
Michael Culmo, PE
Benefits of Steel in Accelerated Bridge Construction
Benefits of Steel in Accelerated Bridge Construction - 2 per page
Benefits of Steel in Accelerated Bridge Construction - 4 per page