CUFSM Elastic Buckling Analysis Software Module for Quantifying Hole Effects in Thin-Walled Structural Members

A new hole effects calculator for finite strip eigen-buckling analysis in CUFSM is introduced. The calculator allows users to input varying hole sizes and locations along the length of a structural member, and to obtain the influence of this hole configuration on critical elastic local, distortional, and global buckling loads and moments. The use of the hole effects calculator is demonstrated with examples for a cold-formed steel joist and stud, and the elastic buckling results are verified with thin shell finite element eigen-buckling analyses.

  • Date: 3/24/2017
  • PDH Credits: 0


Junle Cai Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA; Benjamin W. Schafer, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, Cristopher D. Moen, NBM Technologies, Inc., Baltimore, MD

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