Continuing Education

Fatigue of Welded Connections: A Primer - Part 2 [N42-2]

This session is specifically geared to toward Engineers and Contractors involved with bridge construction, but is equally applicable to individuals involved with the design and fabrication of crane girders and supports, and other weldments subject to cyclic loading. The basic concepts behind fatigue-resistant steel structures are considered, explaining the interrelated variables of stress range, connection geometry and the expected life of the welded connection. The role of dead load stress versus live load stress are discussed, as are the variable of weld quality and steel strength. Using AISC 360 Appendix 3, weld geometries are considered in detail with a practical focus on how to increase the fatigue resistance of welded connections. Fatigue enhancement methods are presented. The role of material toughness on fatigue life is discussed. Case studies, including the bad and ugly, are presented.
  • Date: 4/18/2012 - 4/20/2012
  • PDH Credits: 0


Duane Miller

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