Continuing Education

The Risks of Technology- A Legal Viewpoint [T5]

The recent influx of technology doesn't come with any risk warnings on the box. Should it? What does it mean to have all your data stored on a "cloud' and what happens if the cloud evaporates? What if you give your employees all the mobile technology available and they no longer need to show up in the office? What if you use a laser scanner to provide an as-built handover condition and it doesn't exactly match up with your model? What if your model is wrong? Do electronic signatures count? And it goes on"¦ Of course, risk avoidance is nothing new, the key is managing it and minimizing it and this session will cover the things you need to know as technology continues to advance.
  • Date: 4/18/2012 - 4/20/2012
  • PDH Credits: 0


Matthew Gillies; Angela Stephens

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