
Live AISC Reinforced Steel Members Webinar this Thursday

AISC will host a live webinar, “Design of Reinforced Steel Members Part II,” this Thursday, February 13. The webinar is a continuation of AISC’s presentation last November on “Design of Reinforcement for Steel Members.” (The recording is available for online viewing.)

The presentation will discuss topics which affect the strength and serviceability of reinforced steel members. Deflection of beams with pre-load will be discussed briefly, and further information on the design of built-up columns will be provided. Other topics include: weld design, including the calculation of weld strength for built-up columns; how intermittent welds affect the section properties of a built-up member; local buckling, including the effect of stitch welds on the local buckling of plates. An example problem will be used to illustrate some of the design principles for a composite beam with reinforcement at the tension flange.

The 1.5-hour webinar will begin at the following times, relative to time zone:
10:30 a.m. PST
11:30 a.m. MST
12:30 p.m. CST
1:30 p.m. EST 
The cost of the webinar is $185 for AISC members, $285 for non-members and $155 for students and educators. (Fees are based on a per-site connection basis. Purchase one site connection and any number of members in your company or organization may view the webinar at that site connection. All attendees are eligible to receive CEUs/PDHs.) 
Registrants will receive access to a PDF file of the presentation slides prior to the webinar, CEU/PDH certificates for all attendees upon completion of the live webinar (0.15 CEUs/1.5 PDHs) and complete instructions for accessing the live webinar. 
To register for the live webinar and to learn more about other upcoming AISC webinars, visit