National Steel Bridge Alliance

NSBA Guide to Navigating Routine Steel Bridge Design

 Watch this video for a quick tutorial on how to use the Navigating Routine Steel Bridge Design guide.


Navigating Routine Steel Bridge Design GuideRoutine steel I-girder bridges--straight bridges with little or no skew, span lengths up to 200 ft, and routine framing and girder configurations--are the workhorses of the steel bridge world.

That’s why the National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA) has made it much easier and faster to design and check these common bridges. We teamed up with two leading consultants, HDR and MA Grubb and Associates, to make sure that the guide is accurate and practical for design engineers, DOTs, and fabricators.

Navigating Routine Steel Bridge Design complements the 9th Edition AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and addresses the design of steel superstructures for routine steel l-girder bridges. This streamlined design guide is a series of hyperlinked checklists that walk engineers and designers through the process, step by step, focusing on the specific provisions of the AASHTO Specifications that apply to these routine bridges.

Download the guide today to start designing and checking routine steel I-girder bridges more efficiently. We recommend you use Adobe Acrobat to view it.

Download the guide


Want to learn more about the guide and how to use it to simplify the design of routine steel I-girder bridges? See the video below from the 2021 World Steel Bridge Symposium in which one of the guide’s primary authors, HDR’s Domenic Coletti, PE, describes the guide and how it simplifies the design process for routine steel girder bridges.