In This Section
- Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 341)
The Seismic Provisions are a companion to the Specification for Structural Steel Buildings that extends coverage to the connection detailing and member design requirements for structural steel and composite systems in high-seismic applications. Both LRFD and ASD methods of design are incorporated. Dual-units format provides for both U.S. customary and S.I. units.
- Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames for Seismic Applications (ANSI/AISC 358)
The prequalified connections standard has been developed by the AISC Connection Prequalification Review Panel in accordance with Chapter K of the Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings. The connections have been prequalified for use in special and intermediate steel moment frames without the need for additional testing. Only the LRFD method of design is incorporated. Dual-units format provides for both U.S. customary and S.I. units.
- For older versions of AISC's seismic-related standards, visit our Historical Standards page.
Seismic Design Manual
Visit our Seismic Design Manual page.
AISC Publications
These AISC resources for the design of structural steel to resist seismic loads complement the Seismic Design Manual.
- Facts for Steel Buildings 3: Earthquakes and Seismic Design
This primer (a free download) provides an overview of the causes of earthquakes, the earthquake effects that damage structures, the structural properties that are effective in minimizing damage, and the organization and intent of seismic design requirements for steel structures in the U.S. today.
- Design Guide 4: Extended End-Plate Moment Connections, Second Edition
The design guide makes use of yield line theory in a new design philosophy extended end-plate moment connections in wind and seismic applications. This allows extends end-plate moment connections to be designed using 50 ksi steel.
- Design Guide 12: Modification of Existing Steel Welded Moment Frame Connections for Seismic Resistance
This design guide covers the rehabilitation of existing welded steel moment frame buildings to improve their seismic resistance in future earthquakes. Retrofit concepts with reduced beam section (RBS), welded haunch, and bolted bracket modifications are covered.
- Design Guide 20: Steel Plate Shear Walls
This design guide covers the background and design of steel plate shear walls for seismic and non-seismic applications.
- Design Guide 29: Vertical Bracing Connections--Analysis and Design
This design guide provides guidance for the design of vertical brace connections and addresses brace-to-gusset connection, orthogonal and nonorthogonal connections, chevron or K-bracing, eccentric braces, connections at column base plates, both nonseismic and seismic conditions, and gusset plate stability
Additional Resources
- Reconstructing Christchurch: A Seismic Shift in Building Structural Systems
This report covers the decisions made in the rebuild of Christchurch following the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes with regard to structural materials and systems.The study involved interviews with structural designers of up to 60% of the buildings designed in the rebuild.
Available at:
- FEMA 350 - Recommended Seismic Design Criteria for New Steel Moment-Frame Buildings (superseded by AISC 358)
This resource document provides recommended guidelines for the design and construction of steel moment frame buildings and alternative performance-based design criteria. It supplements the NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and other Structures. A series of pre-qualified connection details, as well as a detailed procedure for performance evaluation, is included. This document is located on a FEMA server.
Available at:
- FEMA 353 - Recommended Specifications and Quality Assurance Guidelines for Steel Moment-Frame Construction for Seismic Applications (superseded by the AISC Seismic Provisions and AWS D1.8)
This resource document has been prepared by the SAC Joint Venture, under contract to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to indicate those standards of workmanship for structural steel fabrication and erection deemed necessary to achieve reliably the design performance objectives contained in FEMA 350, 351, and 352.
Available at:
- SAC Connections Database
The SAC Steel Project is providing a database of 278 steel connection tests that have been conducted since, or just prior to, the 1994 Northridge Earthquake to assist professionals who are working with steel moment frames.
Available at:
Steel Solutions Center
The Steel Solutions Center is for people who need technical assistance, innovative solutions, or tools to make structural steel design even easier.