Seismic Science
By Roumen V. Mladjov, S.E., and Brian M. Pardo, P.E.
Stanford's science and engineering quadrangle factors several nearby faults into its new facilities.
Valley Vibrations
By Sean Cotton, P.E., Sarah Jorczak, P.E., and Apul Asp, S.E.
A seismically sound new arts center connects campus and community in the San Fernando Valley.
Scratching Beyond the Surface
By David P. Martin and Pedro J. Sifre
A Georgetown University building's structural system in enhanced to compensate for the shaky ground on which it was built.
Full-Court Press
By Gerard Fiore, AIA, and Mykhaylo Kulynych, AIA
Reengineered facilities help keep Temple University's basketball teams in the game.
All the World's a Stage
By Monica S. Simmons, P.E., Charlotte Bouvier, P.E., and Kyle Delabar, P.E.
Steel serves as the star attraction as well as the background of an angular performance pavilion at the site of a former Pennsylvania steelworks.
Looking Toward the Future
By Andrea Surovek, P.E., Ph.D., and Judy Liu, Ph.D.
Workshops explore potential areas for innovation in steel design and construction.
Tightening Up
By Erin Criste
A look at the nuts and bolts--of nuts and bolts.
Anchors Aweigh
By John F. Silva, S.E., P.E.
Changes in ACI provisions for the seismic design of anchors.
Green Mudslinging
By John Cross, P.E.
While the two major political parties debate the best way to strengthen America, two groups in the construction world are battling over the best way to green the built environment.
Delayed Reaction
As a Princeton engineering student, Diane Hartley unearthed a design flaw in a prominent Manhattan skyscraper project--the importance of which remained a secret for nearly two decades.