Continuing Education
Seismic Design in Steel -- Concepts and Examples (Part 4): Buildings (R4)
This 8-part course is intended to provide engineers with guidance on applying the AISC seismic design requirements, correctly and efficiently, on typical projects in regions of moderate or high seismicity. Parts 1-4 focus on seismic design concepts. Parts 5-8 go through four distinct parts of a seismic design example for a low-rise building.
Part 4 includes:
- Presentation of the formal relationship of codes in the US.
- Explanation of the basic concepts employed in code- seismic design, such as seismic design category, maximum considered earthquake, importance factor, etc.
- Explanation of general analysis and design requirements; discussion of detailed systems (designed using the AISC Seismic Provisions) and non-detailed systems (designed using only the AISC Specification)
- Treatment of wind-vs.-seismic comparison issues; discussion of irregularities
- Discussion of issues related to base plates
- Discussion of issues related to diaphragms, including the alternative design procedures in ASCE 7 2016
This course is based on a past AISC Live Webinar series and Night School program.
You must purchase and pass a quiz to receive a PDH certificate for this course.
You can find other parts of this course at the following links: Part 1: Introduction to Effective Seismic Design; Part 2: Seismic Design Concepts -- Moment Frames; Part 3: Seismic Design Concepts -- Braced Frames; Part 5: Application -- Design Example Setup; Part 6: Application -- Building Analysis/Diaphragms; Part 7: Application -- Moment Frames; Part 8: Application -- Braced Frames.
- Date: 3/12/2018
- PDH Credits: 1.5
Rafael Sabelli, SE
Seismic Design in Steel -- Concepts and Examples (Part 4): Buildings (R4)
Seismic Design in Steel Part 4 Handout_2 slides per page
Seismic Design in Steel Part 4 Handout_4 slides per page