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AISC offers an extensive collection of documents and publications related to the design and construction of fabricated steel buildings and bridges. Many of our documents are free downloads to the general public, and thousands more are free downloads for AISC members. To access member benefits, you must be logged into the site. Contact our membership department for more information.
Seismic Design Manual, 4th Edition
This edition of AISC's premier seismic design reference adds design examples for multi-tiered buckling-restrained braced frames, concentrically braced frame column bases, and connection design at the intersection of braces in a concentrically braced frame. Additional new content includes:
- An updated example considering partial-joint-penetration groove welds for a column splice in a special moment frame.
- New tables summarizing applicable requirements of the AISC Seismic Provisions as well as second-order amplifier values for use with approximate second-order analysis.
- An updated discussion of diaphragms considers load path, challenges in analysis, and common assumptions, along with guidance on diaphragm modeling.
Steel Construction Manual, 16th Edition
The Steel Construction Manual is the authoritative reference for professionals who design, fabricate, and build with structural steel. Now in its 16th edition, the current manual features:
- New 50 ksi design tables
- Properties and dimensions for 210 new HSS
- Revised and expanded discussion of prying action
- Updated discussion on the chevron effect, as well as new information and a new table on wrap-around gusset plates
- and more!
Design Guide 1: Base Connection Design for Steel Structures (Third Edition)
This guide covers detailed analysis and design guidance on base connections. Years of research contributed to the significant expansions included in the design guide in areas of seismic design and embedded base connection design. Guidance is also offered on the simulation of base connections in finite element models. Extensive design examples are included.
Be sure to check out the bonus material links on the product pages!
Design Guide 40: Rain Loads and Ponding
This design guide provides an in-depth review of rain loads and ponding effects to help design professionals properly and efficiently design for ponding on roofs constructed with structural steel, open web steel joists, and joist girders. It includes several recommended methods of analysis that can be used to consider the effects of ponding, methods of design accounting for ponding effects, and a presentation of the SJI Roof Bay Analysis Tool. These methods are thoroughly discussed and then demonstrated with many helpful design examples.