University Programs
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Educator Forum
The Educator Forum is a unique resource for collaboration amongst faculty members of the steel education community. It allows educators to interact with and gain valuable insight from other steel educators. Educators within the academic engineering community have permission to contribute and collaborate on this Site within the scope of the Terms of Agreement.
This latest version of the Educator Forum that includes several new features, such as a photo gallery, #hashtags for tagging and searching content, and improved discussion boards. You also have the ability to upload and share your own content and the opportunity to give feedback to others.
Use the link below to access the forum. You will need to log in with your AISC member credentials.
Note that access is limited to AISC educator members. Visit the educator membership page to see if you qualify and to apply. Special access to the forum will be granted on a case by case basis, such as for part-time faculty. If you do not qualify for AISC educator membership and would like to request access, please complete this form.
As we continue to update and expand the latest version of the site, we welcome your feedback. Please share any comments with
Other Questions?
If you are having trouble accessing the site, please contact Raven Galloway, AISC education assistant at